Sunday, July 27, 2014

Mothers and children

Most often we find that those who are in the thick of it,hardly notice anything about it. Those who are outside a group notice what is happening in the group, of course, assuming they are 'observant observers' as pg Wodehouse would put it!

I have found people from my generation becoming mothers and fathers. Whatever we have been taught while we were children, we learnt together. How come, when it came to putting it into practice, only some have succeeded?

I realize that the answer to this question is very subjective and hence wouldn't expect any one else to corroborate with me.

I grew up learning about the avatars and Puranas through small stories- in the lap of my mother! How many mothers are well-versed or interested or even, have time to do that? Next best thing.... They can teach their children what they lack in knowledge, through technology. How many of them bring them up to date about the stories that depict our culture through cartoons or even, games?

There is no interest and hence there is no effort. I find no fault with the parents... I only am striving to understand what is it that they despised In our culture that they refuse to share it with their next generation, their own offspring, that has come into the world to glorify their name ?

I don't look favourably at chota bheem stories. But, they are an effort in the direction. Imagination is the best preserver of memory. If today we remember, it is because while they were being told, we had created our own imageries. They live with us till date, cherished! When a video is presented, the imagination is curtailed but the message is channelized. So, the memory goes along with it. The caricatures will live on, for them, in that format only. 

I am still not against that. I feel sorry when kids go visiting, they are asked about their studies and games they play. No one evinces interest in their knowledge of our culture....(May be  I am already losing the meager readers that visit this site... ;) ) however, it is we, who value our culture, who should promote. By not doing this, we are doing wrong to our next gen.

Let every parent take the kid in his / her lap and tell a story from the Puranas or from the ancient lore which they have inherited. If not, at least, take the matter seriously and start doing your googling. This helps in :

   Quality time between parents and children
    Knowledge sharing and enhancement of our own knowledge. The questions kids can ask are the most sincere and fundamental. If we are able to answer them, we have understood our religion well and if not, well, we still have google to support us and enhance our knowledge.

   The most important thing about this is the bonding. Tomorrow they will respect your word over their friends' or their acquaintances'.

The objective is to express my feelings and understand the feelings of those who are on the 'other side'. If this can help someone to be stimulated, I shall feel that I am doing right. 

Psst. Waiting for opinions and comments. ;)