Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fwd: Can you identify a fake smile?

Interesting...this is a pretty neat test. Tests our ability to truly understand and gauge the intentions of humans... and that includes family, friends, colleagues, strangers...and if you are good with people then you are, in all probability, good in life!

Can you know a person just by looking at  his face?


Well right...external appearance is mostly tricky.

Can you identify whether a smile is fake or genuine? I went through the following link. It is a test, asking you to identify whether the smile is fake or genuine. Take the test. How much did you score?

The first 2 questions ask you about your attitude towards life. Select the relevant option. After that you have 20 faces smiling at you, and you have to decide whether it is a fake smile or genuine..

All the best..!

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